The respondent’s country field automatically derives the country from the IP address of the person filling in your form. It will appear in the submissions data to give you better insights in your results, and you can use it to personalize your respondent’s form experience. The field itself is not visible to the respondent and it doesn’t store or track any personal information.


<aside> <img src="/icons/gift_green.svg" alt="/icons/gift_green.svg" width="40px" /> Respondent’s country field is available for free to all Tally users.


Create a respondent’s country field

Open your form editor and type /country to insert a respondent’s country block. For demo purposes, the respondent’s country field will show the location associated with your current IP address.

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Finish your form and Publish it.

When a respondent submits your form, it will automatically detect their country without displaying the field or the result, unless you use it for pre-filling or answer piping or in the respondent email notification.

View respondent’s country in the form results

You will find the respondent’s country in the Submissions tab after respondents submit your form. It's always displayed in English.